Pension Buy Out

Created By: ramoore422's Picture ramoore422 Last Reply: 's Picture
Priority Level: [Emergency] Status: [Open]
Created: 10 years ago Last Updated: 9 years ago
Department: N/A Replies: 1

why should I care what's going on with gm? after gm and the uaw fucked us hourly retirees over!!!!!!!!!! Us retirees don't even get a chance to vote on anything; but we still have to pay union dues!!!!!!!!!!

I want the same chance the salaried retirees got!! A couple years ago GM let the salaried retirees take a lump sum buyout of their pension retirement!

Why don't us uaw retirees get the same deal? My wife and I WANT the same deal; I am 64 and in pretty good health; and my wife is 52; and we want to make a deal to get a buy out of our pension retirement with gm? We hear that it was the uaw's fault that we didn't get that chance. Who the fuck is the uaw to make that decision for us?

It's bad enough that gm cut my pension in half; when I turned 62. Well; maybe I wanted to wait until 66 to start my social security retirement!!! I was suppose to have extra money when I went on social security; but I still make the same.

My wife and I discussed it fully; and we want a buyout of both my retirement pension; and hers that she will get after I pass away. We lost our house to foreclosure; because we had some health and stress issues; and were helping my wife's mother after her dad died from prostate cancer from all the medical bills her mom got stuck with.

We would rather take the lump sum; so we can buy another home and we'll be able to live just fine on my social security.

Thanks for your help and time!!

Harold Moore (2700) I retired from bowling green, KY

Robin Moore


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